Apply to build a school
School selection criteria and school type
1. The main target countries are those that do not have kindergartens or elementary schools in countries or regions below the 40th in the world based on GNP or GDP, and applications for middle schools, high schools, vocational schools, and even schools for the disabled are possible.
2. The school site must be secured in advance.
3, Priority will be given to overseas Koreans or locals with experience in running a school.
4. A maximum of 20 million won is supported by building at least one room including classrooms and offices. (The above contents may be changed according to local circumstances.)
5. Vocational schools that can apply to Dreams Dream are as follows.
Information Technology School, Vocational School for the Disabled, Farm School (Poultry, Livestock, Executives, Agriculture), Maker School (Makers Space, Startup Support), Health Beauty School, Media Art School, Food Bakery School, Architecture School, Teacher Leadership School, Appropriate Technology School, Family Finance School
Do you want to build a school in an underdeveloped country?
1. We sponsor building various types of schools including but not limited to kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, special school, and trade school.
2. We sponsor only when the school construction site has already been secured.
3. We prioritize sponsoring new school building projects. We sponsor existing schools only when there is a need for structural renovation. (When the school is already under construction, the decision regarding its sponsorship will be made by the directorate)
4. When the construction budget exceeds 20,000,000 KRW (about 17,000 USD) per school, the remaining buget must be raised through alternative means.
4. We sponsor only up to 20,000,000 KRW (about 17,000 USD) per school.
5. The proposal must contain a blueprint and detailed financial plan.
6. Under certain circumstances, it is possible to request a school building project without government registration.
Please send the proposal via email to the following email address: [email protected]
문의: 070-755-3623, [email protected]